Undercity Hero
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Undercity Hero - a fusion fantasy light novel series concept featuring dungeons and hunters. This urban game fantasy takes place in a future Korea, year 2060. In the year 2020, there was a mystery virus that almost drove the human race into a Pandemic. However, when the outbreak ended, there was another event, later dubbed the "breakout". People began to become "awakened", earning magical powers or better physical abilities. Along with these "awakened" people, there came monsters. Straight out of fantasy, these monsters and dungeons once again changed the human race for good.
The main character, Hyunmin, is transformed into a vampire, Selvie, and (s)he must now carry on their life as a hunter. (s)he tries to stay undercover, in a country littered with religious buildings. The excess amount of garlic in foods makes it even more difficult. She's eventually caught by her old friends...

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Selvie - the Blood Sovereign (Ver. Hyunmin)
This is Selvie: hunter rank A - 17th. She is known for her blood magic, using her characteristic "Blood Well". An orb of blood, formed from the blood of her enemies. The orb heals Selvie, even from the doors of death, depending on how much blood is in the well. She is easily recognised by her elf-like ears, and her white/silver hair and eyes. Selvie cannot see in sunlight, but can see perfectly fine in the dark. It's almost as if the sense of night and day are opposites for her. She can, however, sense people's "magical signature" and figure out the general location of people and some objects in daylight.
Selvie possess immense magic; probably one of the highest in the world. However, as a trade-off, her overall health, and stamina, are extremely low. She has a body-enchantment magic on her at all times, which enhances her strength, dexterity, and stamina. Even with the enhancements, her strength and stamina are below average.
Along with her Blood Well, she also has a twisted tri-blade rapier named "Gravemarker". The Gravemarker is a backup weapon, and is used to replenish blood in the blood well. Selvie shoots it out like a javelin using her magic, piercing her opponents and collecting the blood.

This is Selvie; the original Selvie. Also known by her titles "Blood Sovereign", "Master of Night", "White Blood", and "Battlefield Reaper", she is a ruthless vampire queen that sits atop a throne at the apex of such creatures. To reflect her position, she acts very regal and royal, and carries an aura of authority. She also uses an extremely old and sophisticated form of speech, although a trained linguist might find it odd. Unlike other vampires, she is unaffected by sunlight. However, she cannot see in natural sunlight; but with her magic she can still sense where people are, and where everything is.
People mistake her for a mage, but in reality she is closer to a dexterity-focused rogue. She excels in close quarters combat, where she can drain the enemy's blood to heal with her rapier, Gravemarker, and ignore any damage she takes using her Blood Well, which she can also use to cast blood magic at a large scale.
Because she is naturally weak, she uses self-enhancement spells to boost her strength, dexterity and stamina. Without her enhancements, her physical abilities are extremely below average, where she struggles to even lift Gravemarker. Her ability to sense people and object's magical energy also disappears, leaving her completely blind. So in order to fight Selvie, creating a null-magic zone or casting anti-magic on her is a must. However, her Blood Well isn't magic.
Hyunmin, of course, doesn't know this, and uses Selvie's body like a traditional mage's.
Selvie also has some history with Hyunmin's parents, the Battlemage father and the Crusader mother. She claims that there is a debt between them; although with the way she speaks, it is unclear whether or not they owe her or she owes them...

Selvie - the Blood Sovereign (the Original)
Hyunmin - the Paladin
Hyumin Park, the main character of the series. He is the one who's parents has a debt with Selvie, and the debt carried onto him when his parents died. He dislikes his father, the Battlemage, and took after his mother, the Crusader. He thought his father was to blame for his parents' death, and refuses to use his father's staff and talent that he inherited. Hyunmin is extremely righteous and chivalrous, almost to the point where he seems like a hypocrite.
When he was still known as Paladin, Hyumin was a rank A: 42nd hunter. He was well known for his chivalrous acts. He was also known for training hard to become a crusader, even though that isn't where his talents lie. He was also known for frequently partying with his best friends, Changsoo and Yeonhwa.

Yeonhwa - Cold Flame
Yeonhwa Lee, known by her title "Cold Flame", is a rank A:14th flame elementalist. She is the best flame elementalist in Korea, and her burst of damage is known to surpass even Flare, a rank S:5th hunter. Her biggest characteristic is her cool, calm and collected personality. Unlike most flame mages, Yeonhwa is never the one to lose her cool. She's always level-headed, finding logical solutions to all her problems. Stories say she had an interest in Hyunmin, and now Selvie...

Changsoo - the Unlucky Spearman
Changsoo Kim, known by his titles "Lancer" and "Unlucky Spearman", was a rank A:22nd hunter, now rank B:46th. As one can assume from his title, he is a spearman, and he is extremely unlucky. When one takes a look at his visualised stats, his LUK is D--. He is infamous for his bad luck. He didn't drop in his rank because he was unskilled. He was unable to produce the quest items to prove that he had completed the quest. He is also famous for his fighting style, since he copies all different types of spear users from movies, anime, games, and books. He isn't limited to spears and polearms. If the weapon resembles a staff, or even just a long stick, he is an expert at using it.

S-Rankers and Side Characters
Swordmaster: Lee Sanghyun. Rank S: 1st. Known as "swordmaster", although he's really a master of all weapons. All of his visualised stats are max'ed out, making him the strongest hunter. He dresses in a loose-fitting sweater and basketball shorts, and slippers with socks. When you meet him on the street he resembles a tired college student. He works alone destroyed the highest-tier dungeons. He uses a modified Chiljido (a traditional Korean seven-pronged sword).
Sword Demon: Ootsuki Sakamoto. Rank S: 2nd. An elderly man, in his mid-60s. He dresses in a traditional hakama and a haori. His defining characteristic is that he has what's called "demon eyes", where the whites of his eyes are actually black. He draws energy from the spiritual realm. He is currently active in Northern Europe with his daughter, Ootsuki Hana.
Alchemist: Yousuito Etoile. Rank S: 3rd. A half Japanese half French teenager. She struggles between her French and Japanese traditions. She dresses in a mix of both cultures; she wears a French plate armour over her kimono, and carries both a Katana and an epee. She combines the principles of the Japanese onmyogogyo (5-elements of ying and yang) and French alchemy to create her own style; Star-sword art. It is said her sword strikes are like a meteor, splitting the earth.
Saintess: Julia Byrne. Rank S: 4th. A young woman from Island. She had partied with Hyunmin's mother before. Her abilities as a cleric are off the charts; it is said that she can even bring people back from the doors of death. However, unlike someone with the name "Saintess", she is extremely foul mouthed and ill tempered. An unsaintly saint, one observed.
Flare: Michael Crawford. Rank S: 5th. A pyromage from Canada. He especially excels in precise controls of his flames. He earned his title "flare" because whenever he uses his powers, an aura of flame would spread about him, looking like a flare. On his off-time, Michael loves to listen to music. He claims listening to music helps him control his flames.
Mr. President: Preston Eden. Rank S: 6th. He might be 6th in the world, but he is Number One in America. He was, and is, a top football player. He is super buff, and has blue hair and yellow eyes. He carries around a quiver full of spears and throws them like a football. He also holds multi-partnerships with large streaming companies. He earned his title because he always has a gaggle of people following him around, doing his bidding, picking up and handing him spears. He is super flashy and extravagant.
Deadeye: McSeek. Rank S: 8th. He carries around this weird custom made lever-action revolving slug shotgun. He dresses like a cowbow from an outdated western film. He claims that his shots are all skill, and while this is true to some degree, his visualised stats tells us that his luck is SS+ rank.
Hephaestus: Tony Hichphus. Rank S: 10th. And engineer that somehow made it up to rank S-10. It is said that if you want the best weapons or equipments, go to Tony. He fight with a giant hammer enchanted with lightening magic.
Saint: Joseph Kim. Rank S: 12th. A Korean American priest turned hunter. He is famous for trying to bring science into fantasy. He uses modern firearms "blessed" with his abilities. Almost as foul mouthed as Julia. Extremely violent towards his enemies. His specialty is beating someone down with his Bible.
Mr. Candlehead: Name unknown. Rank A: 22nd. Suspected to be Korean. Magical spear user. His body is completely made out of candle wax, and in place of his head is a giant candle that's always burning. Extremely tall, and is always dressed in a pristine white suit. Carries a modified tiki torch that he uses as a weapon. The only glimpse we have into his past is a wedding ring on his finger and a horribly charred ID card hanging from his handkerchief pocket...
Union Jack: Yuna Cha. Rank B: 34th. Old friend of Hyunmin and Changsoo. Type of an electro mage. Normally, she's the definition of a model student. But the moment she puts on her characteristic sweater with a Union Jack on it and puts on the Jack-O-Lantern mask, her personality flips 180 degrees. Her electro magic is almost like Sith lightening, and she uses that and her natural fighting prowess to beat down her enemies at close quarters. Everyone knows who Union Jack really is, but Yuna thinks she's doing an excellent job hiding her identity. The words "JunGyuk" and "Palpatine" are written on her tome in Aurebesh.
Lion King: Name unknown. Rank A: 4th. A pure-physical knight. He earned his title from his armour and equipment, resembling a lion, and his hair and beard, which looks like a lion's mane. The battle cry he roars boosts his ally's morals and causes the enemy to shrink in fear. He hasn't gotten any sort of "power-ups" from the Breakout. He was, and is, Hyunmin's role-model.